
About VIAM (6am)
About Us: Manufacturer of outdoor gear that is lightweight, and affordable. VIAM Outdoors is a family-owned and operated business that started with an idea to make outdoor products more functional and at an affordable price. What was just an idea to make our own gear better, turned into a goal to make better gear for all outdoor enthusiasts. We enjoy everything about the outdoors and have a strong belief that quality is key to the equipment we produce.
I have two daughters and believe that being outside and experiencing what the world has given us is key to a healthy lifestyle. My whole family has grown up in the Pacific Northwest, I studied Business Management at the University of Montana in Missoula, and now we reside in Bozeman Montana. It is quite simple to say “our world centers on the beauty of nature”.
Everything we make has to pass our eyes of scrutiny before we send it out to you. Our motto is to believe in a lifetime warranty because if your gear fails, we will make it right, find a better way to construct it and in return, we make a more efficient product.
Our Mission Statement
“At VIAM Outdoors, we want to provide exceptional lightweight outdoor gear at an affordable cost to all outdoor enthusiasts.”
Contact Us
49 Rocky Mountain Meadows
Bozeman, MT 59715